You’ve had a long day and can’t wait to slip into bed. Do you have to take the time to remove your makeup? The answer is Yes. While one night of sleeping in your makeup is unlikely to cause long lasting damage to skin, repeatedly leaving on makeup will cause your pores to become increasingly clogged. These clogged pores cause bacteria to form on skin and lead to acne, inflammations and premature aging.
If you are sleeping with your makeup on, your skin is exposed to free radicals throughout the night which break down collagen resulting in fine lines. By leaving makeup on your skin when you sleep, you are not giving your skin a chance to recover. While you rest skin cell regeneration is slightly faster than during the day. Skin cells do their repair work most effectively at night while production of collagen is boosted. While you sleep your skin is actually hard at work regenerating itself, balancing oil production and expelling impurities. Leaving on foundation interferes with these essential tasks, and over time skin becomes less able to care for itself causing black heads, acne and dullness.
Don’t forget your eyes. Although sleeping in eye makeup won’t cause fine lines it can lead to eye irritation, styes and brittle lashes. Mascara can rub off onto your pillow leaving a residue which is then transferred to your skin. So needless to say, it is always best to remove all makeup and wash your face at the end of the day.
Make an appointment at Z Salon to meet with one of our trained estheticians. We can give you a facial routine to keep your skin glowing day and night. Z Salon also offers customized facials to address any need your skin may have. Contact our Shelbyville Road location at 502.426.2226.
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