With special events coming up and summer right around the corner, many teens will turn to tanning to start that summer glow. In an effort to get the look, most choose beds over the spray or lotion alternative.
With incentives like promotions, packages and peer pressure, teens are incentivized to choose the beds to get their “healthy glow” or base tan. Some are aware of the dangers of tanning, but still enticed by the glory that is the glow of the bulbs.
The Facts on Tanning
The truth of the matter is that young people who use tanning beds before age 30 can have a six-fold increase in their chances of developing skin cancer. And the risk increases with each bed use!
Research from the Skin Cancer Foundation states that just one indoor UV session can increase the chance of melanoma by 20 percent and each additional session that year is another 2 percent added. Tanners under age 35 increase their risk for developing melanoma by 75 percent.
Spending time in the sun has some positive factors like providing vitamin D, fresh air and boosts in mood. However, using sunscreen with an spf 30 or higher and hats, along with appropriate clothing, is absolutely essential to avoid symptoms later in life.
Having conversations early on about sun safety practices could reduce the risk of a young teen being another statistic. Skin cancer is a serious and potentially life-threatening disease. We encourage you to talk to the young people in your life about protecting their skin.
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