If you’ve ever tried to grow your hair out for a wedding, a trip or a new style, you understand the words “impatience” and “frustration.” Hair seems to grow the slowest when you need it to grow the most! Many girls get frustrated with the awkward in-between stage and chop it all off again because they just can’t take it anymore! Then there are the girls whose hair grows like a weed. However, if you are like most of us, growing out your hair is a long, hard process.
Did you know that certain foods help promote hair growth? Read through the list of foods below and try incorporating them in your diet to speed up the hair growing process!
Salmon, which contains Vitamin D, Omega 3- fatty acids and protein is a great food for promoting hair growth. Salmon also keeps your scalp healthy.
Yellow bell peppers have 5.5 more Vitamin C than oranges! They are an antioxidant that strengthens the hair shaft and follicles, helping to prevent breakage.
Egg yolks are known for making your hair long and beautiful. They will help repair damaged split ends and restore softness and shine to your hair.
Sunflower seeds give you an abundance of Vitamin E which increases blood flow to the scalp and promotes faster growth.
Sweet potatoes are also good for a healthy scalp and hair growth because of the beta-carotene they contain.
Almonds are another source for growth and thickness. By eating a cup a day, you will see results in one to two months.
We hope that these tips helped you and gave you new ideas to try on your hair! Stay strong when you are tempted to give up and best of luck with growing your hair out!
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